10,93 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

KINGDOMS WILL CLASH. CHOOSE YOUR SIDE. Grey has been revealed as the rightful prince of Emberfall. But the kingdom is crumbling fast, torn between his claim and that of the reigning Prince Rhen and Princess Harper. Newly crowned as Queen of the enemy kingdom Syhl Shallow, Lia Mara struggles to rule with a gentler hand than her mother. But as Grey moves closer to claiming the crown of Emberfall, both

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KINGDOMS WILL CLASH. CHOOSE YOUR SIDE. Grey has been revealed as the rightful prince of Emberfall. But the kingdom is crumbling fast, torn between his claim and that of the reigning Prince Rhen and Princess Harper. Newly crowned as Queen of the enemy kingdom Syhl Shallow, Lia Mara struggles to rule with a gentler hand than her mother. But as Grey moves closer to claiming the crown of Emberfall, both Harper and Lia Mara are forced to question where they stand - and how far they can follow the dictates of their hearts. Brigid Kemmerer's heart-pounding saga comes to a thrilling climax, as two kingdoms come closer and closer to conflict - and an old enemy resurfaces who could destroy them all.

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V cudzom jazyku je teda ideálna online destinácia pre deti a mládež, ktoré sa chcú zlepšovať, zabaviť a objaviť krásu a význam cudzích jazykov. Pridaj sa k nám ešte dnes a spoznaj svet jazykov s nami!

Autor Brigid Kemmerer
GLS 3,89 €

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KINGDOMS WILL CLASH. CHOOSE YOUR SIDE. Grey has been revealed as the rightful prince of Emberfall. But the kingdom is crumbling fast, torn between his claim and that of the reigning Prince Rhen and Princess Harper. Newly crowned as Queen of the enemy kingdom Syhl Shallow, Lia Mara struggles to rule with a gentler hand than her mother. But as Grey moves closer to claiming the crown of Emberfall, both

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