10,93 €
Uvedená cena je platná k 03.07.2024

From the creator of the wildly popular Welcome to Night Vale podcast comes a story about loving, about searching - and about the courage you need when you find the unexpected. For fans of Stephen King, Serial, Twin Peaks and of course the eponymous number one iTunes podcast itself. Keisha Lewis mourned the loss of her wife, Alice, who disappeared two years ago. There was a search, there was grief beyond

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From the creator of the wildly popular Welcome to Night Vale podcast comes a story about loving, about searching - and about the courage you need when you find the unexpected. For fans of Stephen King, Serial, Twin Peaks and of course the eponymous number one iTunes podcast itself. Keisha Lewis mourned the loss of her wife, Alice, who disappeared two years ago. There was a search, there was grief beyond what she thought was possible. There was a funeral. But then Keisha began to see her wife, again and again, in the background of news reports from all over America. Alice isn't dead. And she is showing up at the scene of every tragedy in the country. Keisha shrugs off her old life and hits the road as a trucker - hoping on some level that travelling the length of the country will lead her to the person she loves. What she finds are buried crimes and monsters (both human and unimaginable), government conspiracies, haunted service stations and a darkness far older than the highway system it lies beneath. Inspired by the eponymous podcast, Alice Isn't Dead is a story about loving, about searching - and about the courage you need when what you find is terrifyingly unexpected. Cast in the fluorescent lights of midnight diner-signs, this story is as big as the open road and as intimate as the darkness of a trucker's cab: perfect for fans of Stephen King, Serial, Twin Peaks and American Gods.

Cudzojazyčná literatúra

Vitajte na našej stránke, kde sa špecializujeme na predaj cudzojazyčnej literatúry. V našej rozsiahlej knižnej ponuke nájdete široký výber kníh v rôznych cudzích jazykoch.

Cudzojazyčná literatúra je dôležitou súčasťou rozvoja jazykových schopností a kultúrneho povedomia. Ak sa chcete učiť nový jazyk alebo sa ponořiť do cudzej kultúry, tu nájdete všetko, čo potrebujete.

Na našej stránke si môžete vybrať z bohatej ponuky anglických, francúzskych, nemeckých, španielskych, talianskych a ďalších jazykových kníh. Nech sú vaše záujmy zamerané na literatúru, naučnú literatúru alebo knihy pre deti, máme pre vás niečo vhodné.

Naša kolekcia kníh je starostlivo vybraná v spolupráci s kvalifikovanými odborníkmi a zaisťuje kvalitu a relevantnosť každej publikácie. Zároveň usilujeme o to, aby sme zákazníkom ponúkli konkurenčné ceny a pravidelne aktualizovali našu ponuku.

Máme jednoduchý a prehľadný systém vyhľadávania, ktorý vám umožňuje nájsť presne to, čo hľadáte. Môžete prehľadávať knihy podľa jazyka, autora, žánru, roku vydania a ďalších kritérií, čo vám ušetrí čas a poskytne ideálnu knihu na čítanie.

Okrem toho, naša stránka obsahuje aj recenzie od našich verných zákazníkov, ktoré vám pomôžu pri vašom výbere. Môžete tiež využiť náš odber noviniek, aby ste sa dozvedeli o nových knižných tituloch a zľavách.

Nakupovanie kníh na našej stránke je jednoduché, bezpečné a pohodlné. Máme rôzne možnosti platby a zaobstarávame rýchle doručenie, aby ste mohli čítať svoje obľúbené knihy čo najrýchlejšie.

Pozývame vás, aby ste si prehliadli našu ponuku cudzojazyčnej literatúry a objavili nové svety cez slová a jazyky. Pridajte sa k našej komunite a rozširte svoje obzory s nami!

Autor Joseph
GLS 3,89 €

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True Escape Stories - Kolektív autorov,Paul Dowswell True Escape Stories - Kolektív autorov,Paul Dowswell

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Sense and Sensibility - Secondary Level 2 + CD - Jane Austen Sense and Sensibility - Secondary Level 2 + CD - Jane Austen

Extensive reading improves fluency and there is a real need in the ELT classroom for motivating, graded material that will instantly appeal to students. Teachers will be keen to promote Jane Austen\'s well-known classic to their students. The reader is illustrated with full-colour stills from the Oscar-winning movie starring Emma Thompson and Kate Winslet.

Staropražské pověsti a legendy - Julius Košnář Staropražské pověsti a legendy - Julius Košnář

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Separation Anxiety - Laura Zigman Separation Anxiety - Laura Zigman

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Popcorn ELT Readers 3-Kung Fu Panda 2 with CD Popcorn ELT Readers 3-Kung Fu Panda 2 with CD

Synopsis is not available

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Phaidon Design Classics - Kolektív autorov Phaidon Design Classics - Kolektív autorov

A three-volume set containing the ultimate selection of design classics. A three-volume set containing the most comprehensive collection of design classics Featuring the most innovative, beautiful and influential products created in the last 200 years

The Mark of Zorro+CD - Johnston McCulley The Mark of Zorro+CD - Johnston McCulley

The original \"Zorro\" story! Old California suffers beneath the whip-lash of oppression...But a champion of freedom rides the highways. A deadly marksman and a demon swordsman, his flashing blade leaves behind The Mark of Zorro.

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Make to Know: From Spaces of Uncertainty to Creative Discovery will change the way you think about creativity. The book upends popular notions of innate artistic and visionary genius and probes instead the event of discovery that happens through the act of making. In contrast to the classic tale of Michelangelo, who \'saw the angel in the stone\', the artists and designers Buchman interviews for this

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Oliver Twist Oliver Twist

Dickens\'s classic morality tale of a starving orphan caught between opposing forces of good and evil is a powerful indictment of Victorian England\'s Poor Laws. Filled with dark humor and an unforgettable cast of characters Oliver Twist, Fagin, Nancy, Bill Sykes, and the Artful Dodger, to name a few Dickens\'s second novel is a compelling social satire that has remained popular since it was first

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